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The TAKEOVER is an exciting, annual, one- day, site- specific, ‘pop-up’ intervention exhibition at Aberystwyth Arts Centre since 2016. The exhibition features a wide range of interdisciplinary projects such as performance, workshops, installation, mixed media assemblage, text, video and sound by 2nd and 3rd year students on the Creative Arts and Fine Art Interdisciplinary Practice modules in the Institute of Art and Humanities at Aberystwyth University. A number of challenging and original responses and interpretations to the architecture, culture and creative programme directly and subtly engages with ‘sites’ in and around the Arts Centre offering new understanding and awareness of the Centre and its role within the Aberystwyth community.
The exhibition is being curated by the 3rd years and it enables the student participants to celebrate their own work and support the work of their peers through this unique public platform.

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